I will never move again.
Written at 3:06 p.m. on 2007-05-29

Seriously, I�m never moving again.
I know I�ve said it before but this time I actually mean it, I�m NEVER moving house again. Things are crap at the moment in terms of house move are:
1) The stupid solicitor won�t give us a moving date. Bearing in mind that this happy horseshit has been running for nearly 3 months now, Micah rang up to be told that the paperwork was downstairs. And? Do your legs not work? If so why did they put you in an upstairs office? For the love of all that is holy get thee off thou arse and go look at the bastard paperwork before I get cross. Well actually that�s too late, I�m already cross but at least before I get even crosser. The temper fuse is now burning at an alarming pace and the end of the fuse is in sight. Everyone stand well back�
2) Boxes. This weekend we decided to start packing on the grounds that we must be moving soon (this was before we learned that a major hold up could be caused by the paperwork being on a different floor to the solicitor). So we dragged everything out of the loft and crammed it into our 2 upstairs bedroom and the bathroom. Now you have to yell down if you�re on the toilet because the door doesn�t close thanks to a box of golf accessories and some decorative glassware. The front room is full of packed boxes as is the kitchen. It�s like living in bedlam. The loft ladder has been down for 2 days so I know have a bruise and cut in the middle of my forehead where I walked into the loft ladder in the moddle of the night forgetting the cursed thing was there and a sore wrist where I felel over the dog when I stepped backwards to see what I had just walked into headfirst. Happy days. There aren�t words to describe what living in my house is like at the moment. Well there are but I�m not sure if there are rules about writing them on the internet.
My mum and dad are going away in the middle of June and if we haven�t moved by then I�m going to move into their house until the move happens otherwise I�m going to end up a chainsmoking divorcee with no friends. I can�t cope with the boxes everywhere thing. It took me 15 minutes to find clean underwear this morning and so I was late for work. When I went to bed it took 10 minutes to find the bed under the crap.

And so I am never moving house again. The only way I�m leaving this next house is in a box.

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