2006 Questionnaire
Written at 10:14 a.m. on 2007-01-05

I pinched this off Jenn

1.Was 2006 a good year for you?
It was a fab year. It had a couple of low points but in general it was splendid! My last year as a Webb.

2. What was your favorite moment of the year?
That would have to be my wedding.

3. What was your least favorite moment of the year?
When my grandmother died.

4. Where were you when 2006 began?
In a bar, clutching a vodka and tonic and a Marlboro Light

5. Who were you with?

6. Where were you when 2006 ended?
In a bar, clutching a vodka and tonic and a Marlboro Light.

7. Who were you with when 2006 ended?

8. Did you keep your New Year's resolution for 2006?
No. I resolved to give up smoking for about the 8th year in a row and for the 8th year in a row I failed dismally.

9. Do you have a New Year's resolution for 2007?
Erm. Give up smoking.

10. Did you fall in love in 2006?
No, I was already in love.

11. If yes, who?
See Above

12. If yes, do they know?
I should think so. I tell him enough and we got married.

13. Are you still in love with him/her?
Indeed I am.

14. Do you regret it?
No, except for the times when he doesn�t do his share of the washing up or has one of Mantrums.

15. Did you break up with anyone in 2006?

16. Did you make any new friends in 2006?
Yes, a few.

17. Who are your favorite new friends?
I couldn�t possibly say.

18. What was your favorite month of 2006?
July, without a doubt. Although this year�s pollen was bloody awful and I spent the summer months with only one functioning nostril at a time and itchy eyes, July was when I got married. On the hottest day in Britain on record EVER. And I tell yo this, it felt it in a wedding dress!

19. Did you travel outside the US in 2006?
I didn�t travel in the US in 2006. I live in England. But I traveled out of the UK.

20. How many different states did you travel to in 2006?
None. If you count Scotland as a different country I visited 5 countries.

21. Did you lose anyone close to you in 2006?
I lost 2 grandmothers, one I was very close to and one who I only saw once in 18 years because of a family row. I went to say goodbye to her and lay some ghosts to rest when it was discovered she had a brain tumour. I also lost a best friend who was banned from having anything to do with me by his girlfriend as he was my ex and she didn�t trust him.

22. Did you miss anyone in the past year?
My grandmother Muriel and my grandfather Vernon. A friend who I lost touch with but who meant a lot to me.

23. What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2006?
Ooh. Erm. Not sure. Probably Dangerous Liaisons.

24. What was your favorite song of 2006?
�Something� by the Beatles. It was the first dance song at my wedding reception.

25. What was your favorite record from 2006?
Probably the soundtrack to Moulin Rouge. Or Tori Amos �Tales of a Librarian� which reminds me of nights in with a bottle of cheap plonk at our uni house in 2nd year before it all went wrong, the dynamics changed and some of my housemates lost the plot.

26. How many concerts did you see in 2006?
Just the one. I went to see the Kylie �Showgirl� tour in Manchester. Was fab, we were 3 rows from the front and a camp man In front of us spent the whole thing screaming �Oh my god, I love you Kylie, you go girlfriend�. It was very funny.

27. Did you have a favorite concert in 2006?
See above.

28. Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2006?
Bloody hell yes. By now I should be operating on a minus number of brain cells.

29. Did you do a lot of drugs in 2006?
No, I was too busy getting pissed.

30. Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
Not that I can think of. Oh yes I did actually. I reversed off the driveway into the side of a car. I thought it belonged to Psycho-Slut across the road�s partner so I didn�t say anything coz I didn�t want anything at all to do with them as they were clinically insane and compensation scroungers. Turns out it belonged to the boyfriend of the man next to them who seems like a nice guy. I still didn�t confess�..I�d love to say I was ashamed of the amount of bitching I did this year but that would be a lie. I went to a girl�s school, I can�t help myself.

31. What was the worst lie someone told you in 2006?
I told my friend Clare that I thought her boyfriend, now fianc� was a really top bloke with a great sense of humour when in fact I think he is a balding freak with a borderline personality disorder and a sad fascination with girls 20 odd years his junior. And if he�s only 40 I�m the toothfairy (see above comment about bitching).

32. Did someone treat you badly in 2006?
Not that I can think of. I was underpaid and undervalued at work if that counts.

33. Did you treat someone badly in 2006?
I could have shouted at Micah less I�m truly honest but apart from that I don�t think I did.

34. How much money did you spend in 2006?
More than I should have done and more than I had.

35. What was your proudest moment of 2006?
Entering the church for my wedding with the music playing, everyone I loved except my grandma looking back and Micah at the front looking very nervous! Possibly because I was a bit late.

36. What was your most embarassing moment of 2006?
There are far too many to list them all. Falling off my heels flat on my arse in front of a large crowd was quite embarrassing. Getting knocked over in the park into a puddle of mud by my own dog wasn�t great, there�ve been a few riding moments where Star has tanked me round the indoor school in front of everyone, ignoring my commands entirely and dumping me on the far side of a jump. Small embarrassments this year, not the huge great clangers that I seemed to suffer from last year.

37. If you could go back to any moment in time and change something what would it be?
I would go back to my wedding and sneak someone in with a camcorder to video the service because the professional video man wasn�t allowed to record it (something to do with copyrights) and I can�t remember a lot of it as I was really nervous!

38. What are your plans for 2007?
Have fun, enjoy it, try not to make too big an arse of myself and try to achieve a decent payrise!

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