5 days to go
Written at 11:01 a.m. on 2006-12-18

5 Days to Go

5 days.

Only 5 teeny tiny little days until I am confronted with a whole week of in-law hell. Yes people, it�s that time of year again, the time of year when I reluctantly accompany my husband on a 16 hour (yes, 16, count them!) round trip to the arse end of nowhere for a week of purgatory. This year karma has given me a bit of a break by allowing us to spend the first couple of nights at his dad�s, a nice relaxed place where you can sit and read a book if you like. The rest is to be spent at his mum�s, the place where his sister lives. His 36 year old sister I might add. She doesn�t blink you know. Seriously, she doesn�t, people noticed and commented on it at my wedding. And she is completely insane, deranged, doolally-bonkers. Staying at his mum�s used to be ok until that witch moved in and now it is absolute torture. Whole days of treading on eggshells because she�s a nutter who goes off on one for no apparent reason, of being constantly talked at because they feel the need to entertain you every minute of your waking day and being forced to eat and drink far more that you are happy with. Of his mother going off in floods of hysterical tears if her beloved son doesn�t spend every minute with her and (and this really makes me cringe) of M�s mother holding his hand while they watch telly or walk through town. The last time she was walking through Inverness holding his hand and he actually tried to get hold of my hand with his other one. Not on your life sunshine. Weird shit.

Oh god it�s awful and I hate it more than I can even explain, especially 16 hours in a bastard car to have a rubbish time.

You know when you have something really nasty coming up, like having a tooth removed or something and it keeps flashing up at the back of your mind? It�s like that but worse coz we have to do it several times a year.

Even writing about it is making my toes curl.


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