It's DARK I tell you.
Written at 9:37 a.m. on 2006-10-03

It�s Nearly Winter

I got up this morning for work (and by got up I do mean rolled sideways out of bed onto the floor while trying to grope for the alarm and make it stop shrieking) and it was DARK. Dark, I tell you. Dark mornings do nothing to help my ability to get out of my pit for work. This of course could be related to the fact that since my boss was signed off sick 4 months ago my job has been absolutely shite and I�d rather put pins in my eyes each morning than sit on the M60 for 45 minutes in order to go in and order stationary and do more crappy filing. Things might be looking up though, because a woman who did some health and safety work for my dad�s nursing home has asked me to send her my CV to show their Managing Director so maybe soon I�ll have a job that doesn�t make me want to shoot myself. Which would be just great, especially as I earn six thousand pounds a year a below the average British wage and am permanently skint. The exhaust on my car blew up last year making my car sound like an elephant after 15 pints and a vindaloo every time I accelerated and once I�d spent the �125 is cost to get that fixed it means I�m now broke until payday, which isn�t until the 28th. Such is life I suppose.

I have started my Christmas shopping!! Inspired by a couple of years back when I left all my Christmas shopping until Christmas eve and then had to trail my backside into the city centre and wrestle with all the other desperately stressed people for the last of the Christmas gifts I have decided to buy everyone�s presents online. Not only does this mean that you don�t have to bother with the crappy crowds in town and getting jostled and shoved by harassed mothers whose kids haven�t got the must have toy for this year but the gifts are delivered right to your door ready for you to wrap. It�s luxury!! I might even order online wrapping paper and cards so I don�t have to bother going to get those either. I am getting seriously lazy in my old age.

Plans for the A-Z book of irritations are going well, we now have a number of different categories covered although I think about 60% of what we�ve written could get us sued. Still, it�s very therapeutic writing down what has wound you up, my little rant on �Banks� the other day saved me from shouting at some unsuspecting collegues.

Ah well suppose I better go and do some more crappy filing. If this job thing isn�t successful I�m going to find me some recruitment agencies to contact before I become homicidal.

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