Unmitigated Scumlords
Written at 1:18 p.m. on 2006-03-20

Unmitigated Scumlords.

Today I�m going to have a rant about one particular group of total, unmitigated scumlords. These people are boils on the arse of society. I am of course referring to TRAFFIC WARDENS. If you are a traffic warden, or someone you like is a traffic warden , I would suggest that you skip this entry because it�s going to go on some.

So I go to college on Friday, buy my little parking ticket, stick it on my dashboard and trundle off to my class. Come lunchtime and we�re walking past the doors when Sharon goes �That�s your little car isn�t it?� (pointing). �Yes it is�, �Well I hate to tell you this but a traffic warden has just stuck a ticket on it�. What the fuck? So off I run, almost getting flattened on the main road in the process to find that Sharon is right, despite the little ticket which clearly states that I have 3 hours of parking left, there is a bloody parking ticket stuck to the windscreen. So off I go to speak to the traffic warden.

Me: Hello
TW: What?
Me: Well it�s just that you�ve stuck a ticket to my windscreen and I�ve got a valid parking pass till 6 o�clock.
TW: And?
Me: It�s twenty past two.
TW: And?
Me: And I haven�t committed any parking violations.
TW (smirking gently): Well I�ve already written the ticket.
Me(resigned sigh): My point is that you shouldn�t have done because I have bought a bloody parking pass.
TW: Already written the ticket.
Me: Fine. Well what do I do to get the ticket cancelled because you shouldn�t have written it.
TW: Don�t know.
Me: You seriously have no idea? Are you taking the piss out of me? Because it isn�t funny. (Am beginning to get annoyed now)
TW: Er. Don�t know.
Me: For the love of god�. (stomp off angrily).

I mean, really? How has someone this incredibly stupid ever reached adulthood? Natural selection should have weeded out this misfit long since, that�s why it developed, so that we wouldn�t have congenital morons patrolling Britain�s carparks like Satan�s Imps in uniform. As long as this twerp is in Manchester slapping undeserved tickets on cars there will be a village somewhere missing its idiot. So now I have to go and write a letter, sending photocopies of my parking fine and parking pass and send it to some exceedingly snotty little bitch that I just spoke to at the town hall, all because I chose to park my car in a car park! And if she decides that having actually paid what I was meant to pay is not a good enough reason to justify not being slapped with a parking fine (and I suspect she might), I will have to pay �60.

Bastards. The lot of them.

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