More wedding weirdness and lack of sleep.
Written at 9:18 a.m. on 2006-03-16

More random weddingness and lack of sleep.

This week I will be mainly being��brain dead. I have changed my work hours from 9-5 to 8-4 because I worked out that due to rush hour, by the time I retired I would have spent something like 5 whole years of my life parked in tailbacks on the sodding M60 and this did not seem like a worthwhile way of spending 5 years. I could have spent them walking in the countryside, having sex, getting drunk with my friends or a million different ways, rather than sat in my car marvelling at the man in the queue next to mine picking his nose (and you�d be amazed by how many people really do intently pick their nose while driving. Yesterday I saw a man who had got most of his arm up there). The only problem with is that while I have now got to grips with getting up half an hour earlier I have yet to grasp the concept that I need to go to bed a half hour earlier as well. With the result that after a week and a half trial I am now walking around like something out of �Night of the Living Dead�, with a vacant expression and a total inability to follow anything complicated. The world is passing by in a misty haze of knackeredness while I meander along in my own little world. This isn�t helped by the fact that I had to go all the way down to Kent this weekend to see my dad�s mother who is dying of a terminal brain tumour (that was a fucking riot and a half I can tell you) and the journey down took 8 hours, since it seemed to be �National Overturn a lorry on the motorway� day.

On a more cheerful note, my best friend has finally got engaged. After 9 years together and Cass spending the last 6 months dropping subtle little hints (such as leaving jewellery catalogues open at the engagement ring page) around the house, he has finally pulling his finger out of his arse and done the decent thing. She�s thrilled, especially since we are at that age where everyone we know is getting married and she�s been with her bloke twice as long as anyone else we know. I�m going to be chief bridesmaid, well actually really I�ll be �Matron of honour� because I�ll be married by then. That�s a fucking horrible title isn�t it? It conjures up an image of a huge moustached, mono-bosomed woman with armpit hair and a stern expression. Or perhaps it�s just me that gets that image? Well anyway, it�s lovely that she�s got engaged and it means that I won�t be the only wedding bore in the pub! Hurrah!!

Talking of engaged people and general wedding related weirdness can anyone out there tell me whether this is weird or not (I don�t have kids so I find it difficult to tell)?: My friend Lou has a 6 year old boy called A who she had with her ex boyfriend. Since that ended she has met B and is now engaged to him, they get married in June. She has now started saying some things that I think are odd, for example she announced (in front of B) that she had to be sat next to A at the wedding because he was the most important thing on the day and he was the most important thing in her world, she also said that she loved A more than anything in the world, and when asked whether this included B gave a scornful look and said �of course more than B�. When she graduates as a nurse she is only allocated one guest place to watch the ceremony and she has said she doesn�t want B to come, she wants A to come and their honeymoon is 2 weeks at Disneyland and 1 week on the Disney cruise with A. You�re not telling me she arranged that honeymoon for B�s benefit. Now I don�t have kids so it�s very hard to judge but what I do know is that if I said things like that in front of M he�d have something to say about it, so if anyone is reading this who does have kids, can they tell me whether this is normal?

b | a | a