M is in a bad mood!
Written at 11:53 a.m. on 2006-02-22

M is in a bad mood.

Today M is in a very bad mood. This is for 2 reasons:

1) After 3 MONTHS of asking him for his guest list so that the wedding invites can be printed I have finally lost my temper and told him that the form and cheque are going off tonight and if his list isn�t ready then his guests aren�t getting invites.

2) His best mate R has had a tantrum and thrown all his toys out of the pram. The reason for this? There used to be three of them who were really good friends, R, M and another bloke called Andy. Andy and his wife went to stay at R�s house and the lads announced that they were going to play golf. Andy�s wife asked if she could go and play golf too. R�s wife got in a huge mard at this because she decided that it wasn�t that Andy�s wife wanted to play golf (of course women can�t possibly be interested in golf!) it was that she didn�t want to spend the day in the house with her. Can�t say I blame her really, I don�t even like golf but it beats the hell out of spending a day in a house with a women whose sole hobby is cleaning and who runs out of things to say in roughly 10 minutes. Anyway, because his wife was in a temper, R got in one as well and had a huge go at Andy for his wife�s conduct. Andy wasn�t having this and he and his wife left. This was roughly 3 years ago and they haven�t spoken since. M wants to invite Andy to the wedding but the only person who has his current address is R and he has spat out his dummy because M wants to invite Andy. R doesn�t want Andy at the wedding at all.

I have 3 words: GET A LIFE.

As I pointed out to M, this is not R�s wedding. He can invite who he likes to his wedding (as it happens, he only invited 4 people and had it in Barbados, we were not two of the 4 and R is already �sensitive about the size of our wedding�, quote) same as I intend to invite who I like to our wedding and I liked Andy and his wife.

One thing I have noticed about people who live in the more remote areas of Highland Scotland (aside from the fact that they hate the English) is that they seem to fall out quite a lot. An awful lot actually. I couldn�t be arsed with even half the kick-offs that they have up there. Perhaps it�s something in the water?

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