The End of the Tether Has Now Been Reached
Written at 9:34 a.m. on 2006-02-08

The End of the Tether Has Now Been Reached.

I have finally reached the end of my tether with work. It�s time to step out of my comfort zone and look around to see what else is out there before my poor underused brain decides to pack its bags and depart for someplace more interesting. Also before I lose my temper entirely and push Nigel out the window, a distinct possibility at the moment.

Nigel is a co-worker who has been becoming increasingly annoying as time has gone on. He�ll do things like come in with a list of stuff he needs from the filing cabinet, dump it on my desk and say �Check this for me�. Yesterday I was sorting out evidence for someone else for an award we are going for and went into his office to ask which meeting minutes my boss wanted us to use. He fucks off with all my stuff and returns 2 hours later carrying a bit of paper. �Can you scan this in for me and you need to order some more file dividers�. In other words he�s taken all my stuff, claimed it as his own, is now going to finish it off and take all the credit and is STILL treating me like the office junior. Which incidentally I am not. This morning he comes in and says �I need you to check what�s in this guy�s file�. I�d had enough by this morning so I pointed at the filing cabinet and said �It�s in there, help yourself�. I must have missed the bit in my contract that said �Job Description: Nigel�s Bitch�. Now don�t get me wrong, Nigel just doesn�t like doing the boring jobs but then neither do I. He�s a nice enough bloke but as long as he�s working here there will always be a village somewhere missing its idiot. Really, I kid you not, the guy goes (and this is a term I REALLY hate) �Paki-Bashing� (quote) with his mates when drunk.. If you put another brain cell in his head the 2 of them would bounce off each other, create friction and cause a fire between his ears. I spent 18 years in sodding education, I racked up the better part of eleven thousand pounds worth of debt getting a university degree and I will not be treated like an eejit by someone with the brains of a turnip. I need the money so can�t afford to just jack in my job but really, at the moment I�d rather lick angry badgers clean for a living than do what I do. I�m on a course at the moment that I really enjoy so I�m going to finish that and then after my wedding I�m going to start looking in earnest for something where I will get to do something that actually involves thinking. If I can start sometime after November it means I�ll still get this years bonus and I can tolerate being here if I know I�m definitely going to make a move.

If only I could win the national lottery and give up work entirely, or at least long enough to do a qualification in something I�d actually like to do. I�d love to be an editor for a book publisher, or a journalist but to do either of these things I�d have to be able to do work experience and with a mortgage and student debts to pay I can�t do that. If I had millions I�d jack work in altogether, buy a place in the Lake District with loads of land and breed horses for a living.

Ah well, in the absence of a lottery win I�ll go now and look for some more fucking dividers. Give me strength���..

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