Purple. Quite.
Written at 11:50 a.m. on 2005-12-05

Yesterday, when we went round to my parent's house for dinner my mother apologised to me for going off her nut when I said I was pissed off at my brother for getting married so close to me. Why did she do this? Because S's (brother's fiancee) mother had said to her on the phone that she realised M and me might be offended but the fact they were planning to do this. Finally, someone gets through to my mum that hijacking someone's wedding thunder is not good form. S's mum is growing on me.

Saw my bro over the weekend. He's not in the best of moods as S appears to be completely incapable of making a decision. She can't decide where she wants her reception and she's demanding that both the people who sign the register are from her side because he has a big family. She's also demanding that he cut some of his family from the list. I always said that she had a rod of iron hidden behind that floaty, girly girly exterior. It would seem I was right. She has decided she wants her bridesmaids in purple, with the groomsmen in purple waistcoats and cravats. Now don't get me wrong, I like purple as a colour but she is talking bright purple and that's rather an unforgiving colour. Also the wedding party are going to look like the Cadbury's promotional team. Lovely. Never mind, if she has her bridesmaids in a bloody awful colour then it'll make mine look classier.

And yes, I do know that's not a very nice thing to say but since he STILL hasn't had the politeness to ask if I mind despite the fact that everyone else has, I really don't give a tiny rat's ass!

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