Weirdy Names
Written at 9:27 a.m. on 2005-09-30

The day before yesterday we went to meet the minister to start sorting out the service for our wedding. The minister asked M for his middle name. "I've got 2" he says "you can have one, it's David but you can't have the other one". The minister informed him that if he wanted to get married he was going to have to share his middle name not only with her but with the congregation when it was read out. He looked like he was thinking about whether it was worse to reveal his middle name or cancel the wedding. Eventually he gave in, "It's (big sigh, little voice) Yuri". Pardon says the minister, I didn't quite catch that, "It's bloody YURI" he says. Ah, says the minister. So we got talking about names. I knew his full name but his brother and half sister have managed to keep theirs very quiet, with good reason. Jude is in fact Jude Maggan and Zev is Zevra Sorgan. Zevra incidentally being a name his mother made up. Really there should be some sort of law against making up weird names that get your kids mocked at school. An interesting middle is fab, I wish my was more interesting than "Louise" but it has to be a nice middle name as well, not something that sounds like a medieval treatment for boils.

Apart from that I have nothing to report because now I'm 26 I'm officially old and boring. Oh, apart from the fact that M is on Danny's stag weekend at the Munich Beer Festival and they've managed to lose Tony from next door. Annemarie is not going to be happy!

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