Oh my god, only a year!
Written at 8:56 a.m. on 2005-07-12

I knew things were going too well. We managed to get a date at Tatton, the venue we wanted, had a look at the room which is gorgeous and then rang the church to ask the vicar to pencil us in. It appears that there are only 2 days in the year when that church doesn't do services, Stretton Walking Day (some sort of local celebration) and harvest festival day (on account of having to wedge the bride behind a brace of pumpkins). We happen to have picked Stretton Walking day. Splendid. The lovely vicar has said she would be ok with having the service at 4pm when the traffic and crowds die down but will have to ask the other people involved in the service if they mind doing it so will wait and see. We have 2 plan Bs, one is a civil service at the hal and the other is the Unitarian Church at the top of my parents road, which is a lovely place. There is a church about 5 minutes from mine, big gothic, photogenic place which M likes but it is run by the sort of people who make the characters of Desperate Housewives look well balanced. A cake sale at that church can end with verbal maiming. Each of the faction families wants to be the greatest, the most involved and they are all mad. So I think we'll be avoiding that.

Went to my first wedding fair on Saturday! Was great, entered about 70 competitions to win things and also had a chat with some woman from Channel 4 about M's family. Rather worryingly channel 4 now want to come and film me trying to get on with Ms family for a couple of weeks before the wedding. Now firstly I don't think I could cope with M's fmaily for 2 weeks and secondly, given the way things tend to be edited I don't think any of us would come out well and we'd be divorced by xmas 2006.

Ooh, did I say, we've got a date now, JULY 15th 2006.

Oh my god, that's only 12 months isn't it? 52 weeks! OOoh, will have to have a sit down.

All I need to do now is hire cars, a photographer, someone with a video camera, sort dresses for me and the bridesmaids, pick flowers, ensure we have somewhere to get married, find a party planner and ensure all the men have kilts.

Someone remind me why we didn't just head to Barbados with a bikini and a handbag?

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