Written at 8:30 a.m. on 2007-02-07

Just as I thought we were getting Spring in February we get winter cold, like a slap in the face with a wet kipper. Got up this morning, went downstairs and forced a very reluctant dog to go out in the garden for a pee. He wasn�t happy, he was outside simultaneously piddling up a bush and giving me the most filthy evil looks he could muster. When I got his lead and suggested a walk he lifted his head and gave me the �Yeah right, you�re SO funny� look. Only I could have picked a dog with the same range of facial expressions as myself.

When I went out to the car and finally managed to scrape the half inch layer of ice off the windows I discovered that it was minus 6. Minus 6? How mad is that? Apparently the planet has warmed up by 6 degrees in the last however many hundred years, well thank heavens for that because otherwise it would have been minus 12 and I would have had to pull a sicky coz 7am is too early to be dealing with temperatures like that.

In other news I have had a bit of a mission, possibly inspired by last week�s spring weather and have thrown out all the crap that lived round my house. Actually not just crap, I�ve thrown out half the contents of the house. I got bored of having enough shit to fill a mansion squished into a 2 bedroom terrace and ran amok with bin bags. 9 bin bags of stuff I cleared out, the poor dog didn�t dare sit still in case he got binned and Micah went and hid on the golf course. On Saturday I�m painting the bedroom and when I�ve done that I may or may not paint the bathroom scarlet. I�ve not decided yet. Micah has given up arguing with me about colours now and just lets me get on with it. The only thing he has a serious objection to is green of any variety. Odd boy.

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