Not a Good Week
Written at 9:13 a.m. on 2006-09-22

Not Exactly going Well.

I have to say that this week is not going to go down in history as one of my best.

Even if you ignore the fact that me and M are barely on speaking terms after another series of rows about money (we always row about money, mainly because we don�t actually have enough of it to pay everything that needs paying) it has been the week-equivalent of a giant verruca on the foot of life.

Work has been what can best be described as suicidally dull. There really is bugger all going on. I�ve had to make 30 new starter packs, the absolute bane of my life and Nige came in Wednesday to ask for 10 more. Which wasn�t the most annoying thing he did all day, no, that particular award would have to go either to when he came into my office, dumped a stack of papers on my desk, shouted �Filing for you to keep you busy�, laughed to himself and wandered off or when he stuck his head round the door and gave me a list of stationary he wanted ordering. For the 450th time and nice and loud so the fool at the back of the room can hear �THAT IS NOT MY JOB, I AM NOT YOUR PA�. Are we clear? No, didn�t think so. As long as that man is here irritating me, there will always be a village somewhere missing its idiot.

Then there was yesterday which really was very special. My parents are in Menorca with some friends so I was minding (i.e. driving) their car for a week, mainly because it�s got air conditioning, goes faster than mine and has a 6 CD autochanger. Or more to the point it had a 6 CD autochanger. Anyway, I get up at the crack of sparrows as usual and start getting ready to go to work. At 7am the doorbell goes and it�s Dave from next door, � Are you driving a big blue car at the moment, that one there?� (Pointing at car), �Yes, why?�, �Erm, I thought I should tell you that someone�s put the window in�. Great. So I get some shoes on and go over to the car and sure enough some total, unmitigated shithead has smashed through the passenger window, pulled the entire contents of the glove compartment and side pockets out, scattered them around and stolen the stereo. So I spend the entire day waiting around for police and Autoglass to sort the car. It now has all the required windows but it doesn�t have a stereo because it�s going to have to go into the Volkswagen dealer to have another one fitted and I don�t hold the insurance documents so can�t sort it. Also, since the car is insured under business insurance I had to pay the excess and the VAT on the new window so I�m �56 worse off, which at this point in the month is not a good thing. What the hell makes these chav scumlords think they can just help themselves to things other people have worked hard to buy? That car was expensive and my dad put in a lot of hours to get it but these little scrotes, who do no work think they can smash it up and take the stereo. Gits. And the CD changer was full so they got 6 CDs as well. Then in the evening M and I had another row about money.

Do you ever get the feeling you just want to go off somewhere quiet for a few days on your own and sod everything and everyone? Well that�s where I am right now. Not a happy bunny really. Still, things can only get better and at least Nige isn�t in work today.

Added later: Am now more cheerful, thankfully. M and I are back on speaking terms, I've given the car (sans stereo) back to my dad who just looked kind of wistfully at the gaping hole that used to house his 6 CD autochanger, Cass and I have arranged to go to the pub this evening to have a great big bitchy rant about the week and it's only 5 minutes till I finish work for a whole 2 DAYS!!By the way, is it classed as really lazy to have ASDA deliver the groceries to the house on the grounds I can't be arsed/hate/resent having to do food shopping? Answers on a postcard.....

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