I think the lurgy is back.
Written at 12:37 p.m. on 2006-04-12

I Think The Lurgy Has Come Back.

I was picking at my spot last night (yes, I know it�s disgusting and wrong to pick a spot) when I suddenly realised my spot was itchy, which why I was absently mindedly messing with it. So off I went to the bathroom to find the mirror and have a nosy. On closer inspection my spot looks suspiciously like a return of the hideous and persistent impetigo. This might not seem like a big deal but it caused chaos in our house last year.

M got what we thought was a cold sore but no matter how much cold sore stuff he put on it the thing didn�t go. In fact it grew. And grew and grew. After a month or so he began to look a bit like a leper but in typical man fashion he refused to go and get anything done about it. �It�ll be fine, it�ll go down in a couple of days�. For the love of god man, it�s eating your head! You are beginning to look like the elephant man�s less attractive brother and people move away from you in the pub, fearing infection. If you don�t get something done soon the council are going to equip you with a bell and a sandwich board which says �unclean� on it. �No. It�ll be fine�. So he ignored it and ignored and before you can say �Vile spots with crispy yellow heads� I�ve got scabs too. But I�m cleverer than M so I went to the doctor�s, to be told that I have impetigo, I�m infectious, I have to have antibiotics and some rather stinky cream and I have to get M to come in and get treated as well. After 2 days of me pointedly not going within 15 feet of him he made the appointment and went to get the treatment.

Which would have been the end of it, had I not turned out to be allergic to the antibiotics. Three days into the 7 day course I woke, went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and happened to look in the mirror. Imagine my surprise to be confronted by a completely red face covered entirely in small pink and white bumps and splotches. I couldn�t leave the house for three days because I really genuinely looked like something out of a Victorian circus �Roll up, roll up, come in and see the amazing splodge covered lady, don�t come too close, she�s foul tempered and may attack�. And what does M, the cause of all this trouble do when he notices my misfortune? Yes, you guessed it, he laughs at me. A lot. For quite a long time. Pig.

And now I think I might have the bloody thing again. Someone said that once you�ve had it it keeps coming back but I thought they were trying to piss me off. It would appear not. Bugger.

So I�m off to sit in the corner and contemplate the idea of getting married covered in stupid spots. I wonder if it�s acceptable to keep the veil on for the whole ceremony and the reception?

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