General gossip and Council bins.
Written at 3:04 p.m. on 2006-03-28

Just General Gossip Really.

Just thought I�d take a wee break from the mind-altering tedium of entering manual handling dates onto training records (yep, 3 years at uni to do a job you could train a pigeon to do) to update on life here in not so sunny Manchester.

Well, for a start we�re skint. Really skint. The calls for M�s computer business have mysteriously dried up for no apparent reason, meaning we have for 2 weeks been surviving on my income. This is far from ideal because my income is barely enough to keep me going, let alone both of us. I�ve had to pay the full mortgage this month coz he�s got no money in his account. That�s ok at this point in the month because I got paid yesterday but give it a week and we are going to be well and truly in the shit if something doesn�t come up because my overdraft only stretches so far. The delights of adult life � they are many and varied.

On the bright side, wedding plans are going well. The bridesmaids dresses are going to look fab. My chief bridesmaid Cass looks especially gorgeous in the dress, so much so that I�m thinking of making her wear some sort of vile bonnet to make her look a bit ropey. Kidding, I�m not that bad. I�ll just make her stand at the back of all the photos, that�s all! We still have no flowers for the reception as florists appear to be a little�erm�laid back when it comes to sending stuff through to us. Bit worried about that but if the worst comes to the worst I�ll get up at 4am the day of the wedding and go garden raiding down my mum�s street. I�m sure I could cobble something together and no one would suspect a thing when they got up to find the front gardens all the way down the road were now totally bald.

Well am off now to go take some bin bags to the town hall. The bloody binmen are on strike and we had a party on Saturday so the bin is totally full. I figured that since the people at the town hall are letting the binmen not empty the bin then they probably wouldn�t mind if I put my binbags in their big industrial bin out the back. The tip men are on strike so there isn�t anywhere else I can think to take them. Flytipping is antisocial so council bins it is. If I end up with an ASBO you�ll know why.

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