It's the weekly bitching session and some important life questions.
Written at 9:48 a.m. on 2006-01-26

I will start this entry with the weekly bitch, vital to vent my temper and prevent me becoming homicidal. Today�s subject is M�s sister.

M�s sister, as anyone who has read this diary before probably knows, is a 35 year old spoiled brat with a temper that could be used to level buildings. She goes off into vicious personal attacks for no apparent reason and has been doing so for 15 years. It�s not that she has mental illness because she doesn�t do it at work or in front of people whose reaction she�s unsure of so it obviously is just because she�s spoiled. Anyway, she decided that since she had the grand total of no friends at all she was going to confront her problems and write them down, so after constructing a document that made the Encyclopedia Britannica look like a brief memo she sat down and looked at the list. Then she rings M to tell him she is confronting her problems, obviously expecting what she usually gets from her family which is �Oh aren�t you so clever and wonderful, we�re so proud of you�. She got him on a bad day, he told her that although he loved her as his sister, he didn�t like her at all because she was a deeply unpleasant person who had been making everyone�s life a misery for years and that he wasn�t going to just start liking her because she�d made a list, she had to prove that she was controlling her temper. I didn�t think he had it in him to stand up to her like that and judging by the shrieks that I could hear coming from the other end of the phone, neither did she.

This was 2 weeks ago. The apology that she was apparently going to make to me for her conduct last Christmas has obviously been dropped as an idea, not that I�m arsed because frankly I don�t think she is sorry (although if she ever speaks to me like that again she bloody well will be). As far as I can see, nothing has changed. She still rings M 2 or 3 times a week for half an hour or so to talk exclusively about herself and her problems and how important she is, he still gets annoyed and she still gets in a mard and hangs up. I kid you not, she ONLY talks about herself, he could have terminal cancer and she wouldn�t have a clue because she never asks about him, just launches into more talk about herself. She has her head so far up her arse that she hasn�t seen daylight for 20 years. No wonder she got binned by the Italian Stallion.

Now don�t get wrong, I�m not arsed that she doesn�t like me and I�m certainly not bothered that she�s rude to me because I can take care of myself and I give as good as I get but the thing that really grinds my gears is that she�s such a leech to M. She�s all take, she rings up and sucks the energy out of him. When we visit she shouts at him and he ends up exhausted and stressed because he has to tiptoe on eggshells around her to try and avoid the inevitable kickoff. M is a kind bloke and I hate to see this vile bitch taking advantage of that.

Well, that�s the weekly bitch over and done with so now I�m going to put together some of the questions of life that have been puzzling me this week.

1) Why is it that despite the fact that I am happily engaged and have no interest in straying, if some gorgeous bloke speaks to me at work or in the street or whatever I instantly change from being an articulate person into a driveling half wit with nothing to say?

2) Why do birds always shit on your car when you�ve just cleaned it? Why do they never shit on it when it�s filthy?
3) Why does the family next door produce 14 times as much rubbish as any other family?

4) Why does dog hair and fluff collect in the corners of any room with laminate flooring in it?

5) Why do men never replace the loo roll if they finish it? And added to that, why don�t women check if they have before going to avoid that situation where the loo roll is in the cupboard and you�re sat on the loo?

6) Why are Saturdays so much more exciting that Sundays?

Well, that�s all the questions I can think of for now but I�m sure I�ll come up with more at some point. In the meantime if anyone has any answers to my questions, please feel free to let me know.

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