Quizzes and canals
Written at 8:48 a.m. on 2005-11-16

I've nicked this quiz thingy from Jenn!!

1. What's for breakfast?
Rice Crispies with no milk and some coffee.

2. Do you read a newspaper daily?
Nope. I read one when Micah leaves one in the bathroom and I sometimes read the Sunday Times.

3. What do you do when you can't sleep?
Lose my temper. Then go through to the spare room, shift the mountain of crap off the spare bed and read for a bit.

4. Say a word that sums up your mood:

5. Do you remember your dreams?
Sometimes. Usually the weirder ones.

6. Name something from your dream last night.

7. Name a food that describes you.

8. Today you are wearing...
A pair of pinstripe trousers and a blue v-neck top.

9. What's in your pockets?
Haven't got any pockets.

10. Did you sing in the shower today?
Nope. I'm not sure I was even awake int he shower today.

11. What's the last song you heard?
Nenah Cherry, Manchild.

13. Where do you want to be this instant?
Back in bed.

14. What's for lunch?
Tunafish and a ciabatta roll

15. What's something you would like to do soon?

16. Reading anything now? What is it?
I'm reading a chick novel called 'Sheer Abandon' by Penny Vincenzi.

17. What's for dinner?
Depends what I can knock together with what's in the fridge.

18. A favorite part of the day is...

19. Are you happy?
Usually. Although you'd never guess it because I usually post when I want to rant.

20. Will your friends do this meme?
Doubtful because I think only 2 people read my thingy and I nicked this off one of them.

So there we go.

Incidentally, I have just been doing a site visit and audit of a waste water treatment plant (oh the glamour) and I have an important piece of advice for you. AVOID CANALS. Don't swim in, paddle in, walk by, live by or even think about canals. Believe me, this is advice you want to be following. Canals are especially to be avoided in wet weather. All I'm saying is that it's no bloody wonder the rats that live by canals are vast.

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