I've had some sleep!
Written at 9:07 a.m. on 2005-11-10

I've had some sleep so I'm in a much better mood now!!

Told my mum on the phone what I was thinking about my brother's plans to have his wedding a matter of weeks after mine. Let's just say she didn't take it well. As my father informed me last night (when I sneaked round to collect some trousers knowing she wouldn't be there) I am not her favourite person at the moment. Really? I have to say that the 140 decibel shrieking that I was a selfish bitch and a lousy person was a bit of a give away. I asked him how long he thought she's be sulking for this time and he said that it would probably be until I showed suitable enthusiasm. Well, you knwo what she can do with her tantrum and her sulk? She can BUGGER RIGHT OFF! I will not apologise because for once, I'm not in the wrong.

M went out last night for drinks with Danny and co. as Danny gets married on Friday. He's lost his keys somewhere so he tells me he's only going for a couple of hours and he probably won't drink. 1.30am and there's an almighty crash at the front door. I thought I'd sneak downstairs and see if I could see through the living room whether it was an axe wielding maniac. On close inspection the nutter at the front looked familiar so I opened the door to find M swaying gently on the doorstep and carefully trying to unlock the door with a biro. The crash had apparently been from when he bent down to examine the lock to see if it could be picked with a biro (?) and had headbutted it.

When the alarm went off at 7 this morning he did not look like a happy bunny!

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