A rant about the mother in law
Written at 2:01 p.m. on 2005-07-28

It's official, this is not a diary entry, it's a big bitchy rant about the mother in law that may well end in a spot of childish name calling. It's very therapeutic.

The MIL is a giant sized pain in the ass. SHe is a huge drama queen who turns every situation into a scene and who thinks emotional blackmail is a perfectly acceptable tool to gain what you want. And boy does she use it to good effect on M. She lives with her 3rd husband (who is what you could most kindly call 'overly tactile')roughyl 450-500 miles from us at the top end of Scotland and it is not far enough for my liking. Anyway, to get there takes about 9 hours in the car and we have to take the car because flying costs too much. So she rings him last night and spends half an hour abusing him about how he never calls or visits, how she gave up her youth and best years to bring up her children single handedly and she used to have their exclusive love and be valued but now they just don't care because he doesn't visit more than 3 times a year (which I might add is twice more per year than she ventures down to us)and Jude has gone and got married abroad and only Z (his sister) cares and they are breaking her heart blah blah blah. So he spends ages telling her how great she is and how much he loves her. Then she gives this sniff and goes "Well I'm having a party for Jude on the 13th August and if you really want to show me that you care you'll be there". The bitch. I just knew she was working up to something. Quite apart from the fact that Jude knows nothing about this party and is flying back from Oz on the 12th so is unlikely to want one on the 13th, I refuse to bow to emotional blackmail. If she wants to play that shit with her own family then fine, they can do as they please but I'm not joining in, we don't do that in my family. She can take her party and shove it sideways where the sun doesn't shine. I'm not usually rabid but there is something about this woman and her emotional bullying and drama and tears (oh yes, we've had screaming tearful fits when she doesn't get her own way, in public as well) that REALLY winds me up.

On the bright side we have now found a church to get married in! Unfortunately Micah has decided he wants a piper outside, you know, one of the ones that sounds like a bag of 1000 fighting cats? Never mind, with any luck he'll forget about it!

Yesterday my brother and my dad had a protest march in the kitchen. They are amking a stand against being asked to wear kilts. Apparently they aren't Scottish and in England a man in a skirt is to be mocked and derided. So we've deciedd they can have frock coats instead. This is good because my bridesmaid Lou happened to mention the other day that when her dad wore a kilt to a function all she could think was that her dad was sitting there with no undercrackers on and his mans best friend was blowing in the breeze. That's not a mental image any girl needs while going down the aisle.

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